Music at Michaelchurch!
Children have weekly classroom music lessons of about 40mins as well as a weekly singing assembly and a variety of performance opportunities throughout the year.
At Michaelchurch we value music because it is a powerful and unique form of communication that can change and impact the way children feel, think and act. We intend music lessons to be fun and inspiring and for children to develop their own curiosity and appreciation of music. We aim to build confidence and creativity in all children through music and to offer musical opportunities beyond the classroom music lessons. We believe that every child should have the opportunity to develop their musical potential and to nurture and encourage musical development across the school.
Preschool – We intend to use music widely in our EYFS curriculum and expose children to music during early development as this helps them to learn the sounds and meanings of words. Dancing to music helps children build motor skills while allowing them to practice self-expression.
- Weekly singing assembly for whole school.
- Emphasis on musical presentations within celebration assemblies and twice yearly class assemblies.
- Units are plotted on the long term two-year plans.
- Staff, Gov and Parent’s ‘band’ used to support children’s performances throughout the year and be role models for the children.
- Peripatetic music lessons are available in school for children for piano and recorder.
- Improved teaching of musical concepts.
- Increased interaction in music lessons with opportunities to incorporate mindfulness (breathing techniques).
- All children sing well in assembly.
- Increased confidence in performing either singing or playing an instrument.
- Increased opportunities to sing as a group and work as a team.
- Music and musical themes are planned and implemented across the curriculum.
- Staff continue to familiarise themselves with the curriculum and receive ‘upskilling’ via staff meeting CPD.
- Children (and staff) leave singing assembly smiling! The children have opportunities to perform in celebration assemblies.
- Children perform their instruments at special termly celebrations.
- Children of all abilities are encouraged to be ambitious and take part in termly and end of year celebrations.