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Values and Ethos

School vision

Our vision is to ignite curiosity by providing inspiring experiences and a nurturing environment.


Our values, strategy and ethos

  1. We value the bonds between staff, children, and the wider school community that grow and mature over time.

We do this by maintaining small class sizes so every individual is known and strong relationships are forged.

A visitor will notice we are a small school that cares for the wellbeing of everyone in our community.

  1. We value nature and time outdoors.

We do this by embracing opportunities to take learning outdoors whenever possible with weekly forest school sessions, learning in the spinney area, visits, daily outdoor exercise and enjoying outdoor play whatever the weather.

A visitor will find resilient children, comfortable in the world around them.

  1. We value giving families the opportunity to deepen their involvement in their child’s learning.

We do this by providing a structured, comprehensive flexi-school programme when this is in the best interest of the child.

A visitor will see a continuity of learning between school and home and strong relationships with families.

  1. We value the unique potential in every child.

We do this by believing in our children and creating opportunities to engage with and celebrate all their abilities and interests, both within and beyond the curriculum.

A visitor will meet amazing individuals, children that thrive and already make positive contributions to our school and society.